

Gambling brings misery for those who are still frequent or involved in the circle. Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that is very difficult to stop gambling. Gambling circulated quickly in society. This can be seen from the many types of gambling that are developing and in demand in the community.

The Indonesian government has explicitly banned gambling from circulating in Indonesia. The government considers that gambling can cause many negative effects that will be obtained by citizens who are indeed active gamblers. And of course it can damage the nation’s generation which results in the destruction of the nation in the future.

The government’s efforts to eradicate gambling in Indonesia can be seen from the firm method taken by the government, because they realize that gambling brings misery starting from issuing laws concerning the prohibition of gambling in Indonesia, as well as providing very severe legal threats.

Even the government’s efforts have paid off, it can be seen from the news available on television or the internet that many gamblers have been arrested by the authorities and given legal threats in accordance with the official law.


The efforts made by the government are considered less than optimal, even though they have arrested the perpetrators of gambling and given severe legal threats, the arrests made are considered less than optimal. People think that the government is slow to eradicate gambling and its players in Indonesia.

That’s because there are still so many gamblers and there are still so many gamblers circulating in Indonesia. The thing that makes the government seem slow in eradicating gambling and the perpetrators is because of the availability of online gambling.

Online gambling is gambling that uses the internet and smartphones as the main media. The network or internet address is a tool used by gambling sites that always changes in a short time by site owners and gamblers are considered to make it difficult for the government to eradicate those who gamble.


Gambling brings misery is not a lie, gambling of course causes a lot of loss and destruction for the players. Many players or gamblers have experienced economic downturn.

That’s because those who are already addicted to gambling will try to do whatever it takes to fulfill their desire to gamble, including using all their money for betting. This is one of the things that show us that gambling brings misery and also make economic destruction miserable.

Many online gambling sites have negative effects on their players, and some of them are often able to make people depressed because their lost money is not small. Some types of gambling that are very detrimental but are currently popular include domino gambling, online qq gambling, slot online.

Stop gambling from now on if you really don’t want to feel the negative effects even more. Like narcotics, gambling has many negative effects that will be obtained by addicts, including gambling is addictive which makes it difficult for gamblers to stop.

Instill in yourself if you really want to stop gambling, cut ties with friends who are still in the gambling environment. Because by cutting ties with them you can stay away from the negative effects of gambling, namely gambling makes you miserable.

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